Sunday, February 3, 2013

Blog Assignment #3

There Write or They're Right?

    Peer editing is an extremely important part of an writing process. This is because everyone makes mistakes. Peer editing gives the writer an extra set of eyes and perspective. These act as a double check to catch any confusing sentences or grammatical errors. You should remember; however, that there is a wrong way and right why to effectively conduct a peer review. Peer Editing With Perfection is a great slide show to help you out on all the do's of peer editing while Writing Peer Review Top 10 Mistakes reveals all the don'ts.
     I was to peer review Brody Brown's blog post this week. As I read and reviewed his post I decided to give my peer review to him through a comment. I chose this method because my critic was on contextual matter rather than grammatical errors. Clear context is important to allow the reader to understand. I commented on his post to help other reads understand the material better.

Mountbatten In Class

     The Mountbatten is a great tool to aid blind students in your classroom. It empowers them to write essays and engage in other classroom writing exercises just as effectively as your other students. This allows them to grow as a part of a normal class and develop through their education.

Teacher helping blind student
To Enable the Disable

    Advances in technology have given teachers an incredible opportunity. It is now possible for deaf and blind students to engage effectively in normal class setting. Through new tools for math, reading, and writing these students are no longer confine to alternate school for the deaf and blind.
     As someone who has a deaf and blind uncle I find this to be incredible! The thought that all of these deaf and blind students are receiving the opportunity to join in and interact, becoming just another student in class is absolutely amazing.

Digital Learning

     In the video Harness Your Student's Digital Smarts Vicki Davis displays the incredible work and program she has created for her students. In her class she works with multiple different technological devices to allow her student to become learners and even teach her!
     In her classroom students are given the opportunity to connect to the world. Her class learns from and teaches students across the globe. This style of teaching not only promotes using technology as a tool to both your work and education; it helps students reach out, connect, and better understand different cultures.


  1. Hi Carmen,
    Good post! I really like your creative headings for each section. Coming from some one who wants to work with students with these types of disabilities, I found it really interesting that your uncle is deaf and blind. I feel like your post was very short and would have liked to get to read some more of your thoughts on the subjects. In the last section "Digital Learning," there were just a couple of grammatical errors. 1) "she has creating for her students" should be created. 2) "This style of teach not only" should be teaching. But a great post overall.

  2. "...part of an writing process." a, not an

    You need to alter the color of your type. I can barely read your post, especially the links.

    "because my critic was on contextual matter" critique, not critic

    "I commented on his post to help other reads understand the material better." readers, not reads

    Thoughtful. Interesting.
