Sunday, February 10, 2013

C4T #1 Summary

Comment 1

    In her blog, Angela Maiers created a post titled "What's your 'one play?'" This post is about you focusing on one thing and becoming great at it as opposed to being average in multiple different things. This means that you should focus on your area of study. You cannot fix everything in the school system; however, you can work hard to be the best you can be in your subject.
     This post made me question what is my one play? How will I teach? It made me focus on what I could do to constantly practice, fix, and adjust my one play to make me a better teacher. Being an effective teacher is my responsibility. Just like it is the responsibility of a goalie to protect the goal. We both must work hard to be able to fulfill our responsibilities.

Comment 2

     In Angela Maires' post "Innovation is Not a Project; Its an Invitation" she discusses the time she spent at Dell's Innovation in Education Think Tank conference. As the videos show, at this conference Angela speaks on how schools should focus on incorporating the student's own genius and contribution. She also talks about the student's desire to be noticed by you.
     After reading this post I sat down to ask myself how will I incorporate my student's genius and contribution. What will I do to make my student's feel noticed? I decided that I will begin to ask my student's what would you have done if what happened in our lesson that day happened right now. Could you have made a difference? and then I want to meet my students at the door and welcome them to class, say their names, and show interest in their life and abilities.

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